My favorite season is by far summer! I play a lot of sports during the summer. I have lots of good memories during the summer, plus it’s NEVER cold!

The sports that I play during the summer are badminton, volleyball, swimming and sometimes tennis. I can really only play badminton in the summer because in all the other seasons there is wind. Unless you want the birdie to get caught in somebody’s hair play in the summer, or indoors. Swimming is kind of hard to do when the falling snow has made you into an icicle, so you would have to swim during the summer. I also enjoy playing tennis with my friends, I attempt to serve, they hit it out, and that’s usually how the games go. Volleyball is really fun to play, but when a big man (my dad) smashes the ball onto a small girls (me) head it hurt’s!  

I have Lots of great memories in the summer. For one thing part of my family comes and stays at our house during the summer. My cousins and brother plus me always stay up late and I mean LATE! I also enjoy how we always go to the beach, parks, lakes and water parks. It is always so fun because that’s basically the only time of year that the WHOLE family gets together and everybody is actually happy. I also went to Egypt during the summer; I rode dolphins, a banana boat and a taxi! My brother did end up going a little over board with the room service thing.

Anyways, the point is summer is my favorite season because of all the sports I can play and because of all the great memories I keep in a little box called my heart.

For my journal I’m going to write about the experience that the think we team had at We Day!

 I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing in my ear, I look at the clock, and it’s 5:00 A.M.! Usually I would have dropped my head back into the pillow but I knew I couldn’t. I got my stuff ready and went downstairs had a nice breakfast and headed to school. Outside it was still dark, I couldn’t really see anything, and I was surprised my dad could even drive. Once we arrived at the school nobody was there yet so we waited. After 10 minutes or so a couple cars showed up so we got out of the car and went into the school. When everybody arrived our teachers told us who we were driving with and we headed toward s the sky train station.  After we arrived we split into groups so we wouldn’t get lost. We managed to squish our way onto the train; of course I was trapped in a little corner.

We finally got inside of the arena after walking across the street and waiting in line. We found our seats and waited. My teacher told us if you want to buy something you should buy it now so I went and bought a ring and bracelet. When I got back they started the show, well they didn’t REALLY start the show, and we had to do reruns so that they could combine the Toronto show with the Vancouver show and make one big video. After that was over I thought that my throat was about to burst. I realized that they gave us a We Day bag with goodies in it, there were sunglasses, Chap Stick, glows sticks and a necklace.

The first person I remember to come out was the premier Christy Clark! She talked to us about bullying and what we can do to prevent it. After Christy was a 12 year old girl named Sydney Brouillard that said she wanted to become the prime minister of Canada in 40 years! A quote she said that really stuck in my brain was “Children aren’t only the future they are the present” I thought it was amazing because we don’t have to only make a difference in the coming future we can also make a difference NOW!  Next up basketball legend, Magic Johnson the one thing he said that was pretty amazing “The clothes don’t make you cool. You make the clothes cool”.  Turns out Cody Simpson made an appearance as well! My ears hurt the most when he came out due to all the screaming, but I enjoyed the song he preformed: Wish You Were Here!  After him, Demi Lovato came out and sung Give Your Heart a Break along with her inspiring words “This is something you get through. Bullying can be stopped. We will not let it bring us down.”

Overall I enjoyed We Day almost as much as last year! It was AMAZING and very inspiring. I wish I could go again next year but… I’m going to high school so I’m not going to get a chance. I am very lucky to have gone 2 years in a row though.

I think that a hero should be brave, smart and make a difference in the world. A hero is someone OR someone’s that you look up to too. Sure we have our childhood hero’s, Spider man, Superman and Batman but for me a hero means more than just saving the world with superpowers. I think that heroes are the kind of people that change the world in a good way.

My heroes are Marc and Craig Kielburger. They have made a HUGE difference in the world, plus they are kind and giving. They help children in third world countries get an education; they produce clean water for the less fortunate and more. They also CREATED Free the Children, which is one of the biggest charities in the world. Those people are my heroes, not because they fly around and wear a cape. They are my heroes they made the world a better place. That would basically be my idea of what a hero is.


Today I woke up in the morning saying to myself “today were making kites!” I quickly got ready, ate breakfast and went to school. In the morning we had an assembly where the man and women who were going to teach us how to assemble the kite spoke about the different types of kites. Throughout the day different classes went down to the gym and constructed their kites, Our class started building our kites after lunch.We Had 5 easy steps to follow to build our kite!

Building the Kite:
First we had to design our kite with felt pens or crayons; I ended up drawing a cute baby penguin. Once we were finished our kite designs it was time to construct them, the material we needed to make the kite was: 2 sticks, 7 pieces of tape, string and the handle. Step one was putting the wooden sticks into the kite, and then stick them on with thick pieces of tape. Step two was putting on the string parallel to the sticks, you tape the string on then you tie it together. Step 3 is once you have the string in you fold the kite in half you bring up the string and you find the middle of it. Step 4 you tie a knot where the middle of the string is located then you put the string from the handle through the loop and tie it 3 times. Step 5 (optional) if you want you can tape a tail onto your kite, all you do is put a piece of tape onto the tail and then you tape it onto the kite!


Flying my kite was SO fun, the weather was nice and windy! At first my kite kept falling but when I started running instead of pulling on the string it flew. It was kind of difficult to make your kite move away from other kites so they don't get tangled but I got used to it. Once I got home I showed my mom the kite, I told her now penguins can fly!

Today I baked french vanilla cupcakes! Yummmmmmmm!