
Today I woke up in the morning saying to myself “today were making kites!” I quickly got ready, ate breakfast and went to school. In the morning we had an assembly where the man and women who were going to teach us how to assemble the kite spoke about the different types of kites. Throughout the day different classes went down to the gym and constructed their kites, Our class started building our kites after lunch.We Had 5 easy steps to follow to build our kite!

Building the Kite:
First we had to design our kite with felt pens or crayons; I ended up drawing a cute baby penguin. Once we were finished our kite designs it was time to construct them, the material we needed to make the kite was: 2 sticks, 7 pieces of tape, string and the handle. Step one was putting the wooden sticks into the kite, and then stick them on with thick pieces of tape. Step two was putting on the string parallel to the sticks, you tape the string on then you tie it together. Step 3 is once you have the string in you fold the kite in half you bring up the string and you find the middle of it. Step 4 you tie a knot where the middle of the string is located then you put the string from the handle through the loop and tie it 3 times. Step 5 (optional) if you want you can tape a tail onto your kite, all you do is put a piece of tape onto the tail and then you tape it onto the kite!


Flying my kite was SO fun, the weather was nice and windy! At first my kite kept falling but when I started running instead of pulling on the string it flew. It was kind of difficult to make your kite move away from other kites so they don't get tangled but I got used to it. Once I got home I showed my mom the kite, I told her now penguins can fly!

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