My favorite season is by far summer! I play a lot of sports during the summer. I have lots of good memories during the summer, plus it’s NEVER cold!

The sports that I play during the summer are badminton, volleyball, swimming and sometimes tennis. I can really only play badminton in the summer because in all the other seasons there is wind. Unless you want the birdie to get caught in somebody’s hair play in the summer, or indoors. Swimming is kind of hard to do when the falling snow has made you into an icicle, so you would have to swim during the summer. I also enjoy playing tennis with my friends, I attempt to serve, they hit it out, and that’s usually how the games go. Volleyball is really fun to play, but when a big man (my dad) smashes the ball onto a small girls (me) head it hurt’s!  

I have Lots of great memories in the summer. For one thing part of my family comes and stays at our house during the summer. My cousins and brother plus me always stay up late and I mean LATE! I also enjoy how we always go to the beach, parks, lakes and water parks. It is always so fun because that’s basically the only time of year that the WHOLE family gets together and everybody is actually happy. I also went to Egypt during the summer; I rode dolphins, a banana boat and a taxi! My brother did end up going a little over board with the room service thing.

Anyways, the point is summer is my favorite season because of all the sports I can play and because of all the great memories I keep in a little box called my heart.

Mrs. Middleton
10/28/2012 08:37:27 am

Tweety bird,
My favorite season is summer as well. I love waking up to the sun shining through my bedroom window. I also love going for early morning walks when it is not too warm and few people are up and about. And who does not love to go to the beach, especially eating fish and chips as the waves roll in. Thanks for sharing.

10/29/2012 10:34:22 am

this is amazing tweety bird !
I like your website :)


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