We all have embarrassing moments. Maybe you had toilet paper stuck to your shoe, or maybe you had food spilled on your favorite shirt in public. Whatever happened, in every situation our face would go steaming red and our eyes would become wide and alerted.

Well believe it or not I’m going to tell you about my most embarrassing moment. It all started with five words “let’s go out for dinner”. If those words hadn’t been said I might have been spared the embarrassment that happened that day.

When my mom told me we were going out for dinner I got dressed, went down and sat in the car. My mom and dad also arrived shortly. We were going to Stepho’s a Greek restaurant that was somewhere in the downtown area. Other family friends were also going to meet us there so we had to hurry to make it in time. Stepho’s is almost always packed with people so unless you make a reservation you’ll be waiting outside, looking at people eat through the window. Good for us we made reservations. So after we came and met up with everybody we sat down. A waiter came gave us water and took our orders, I remember I ordered garlic shrimp. While we were waiting my dad was reaching for the bread and suddenly SPLASH! He knocked the water on the table right onto my pants! After screaming because of the freezing water on my pants I realized people started to stare. I quickly got up and went outside to the car. My mom came out and told me it would dry, but until the then the whole front section of my pants would be wet!

So that’s my most embarrassing moment. It was definitely worse than the time toilet paper got stuck on my shoe. Even though I was really embarrassed at the time but I got over it. The point is embarrassing stuff happens to EVERBODY! So next time your face goes red and your eyes get all wide, remember what happened to me and probably what happened to almost a thousand other people.

Pets are huge part of our lives. They are loyal to us and are there when we need them.  Some dogs are guides for people who have medical issues. People also might have guard dogs to protect their home from intruders.

Many, many people keep animals for pets. Dogs and cats are two of the main pets you might see when you go to visit someone. Some other pets include: Birds, fish, rodents, and reptiles. Pets are loyal and loving; once you get them they will instantly become part of the family. A lot of pets are intelligent enough to learn tricks, for example you could teach a dog how to roll over or sit. People might even enter their pets into obedience competitions.

Even though pets are fun, loving and amazing to have, they are also A LOT of work. When you bring it home you have to teach it where to go to the bathroom or else you might find little “presents” all over the house. You might be thinking “I know dogs are a lot of work, so I got a fish”, well ALL animals are a lot of work, for fish you have to feed them every single day and clean their tank when it gets dirty. Same with birds, you have to clip their wings and nails when they get long and clean their cage and so much more. Pets are definitely not easy to take care of.  

There are also pets that do jobs. Some dogs like the German Shepard serve as police dogs, they help out the police by using their sense of smell, and they are trained to detect different things. People might have a guard dog to protect their home; this dog isn’t too friendly with people it doesn’t know. There are also guide dogs that help people who are blind by guiding them to the destination.

As I said before pets are a giant part of our lives. They help us with many things and can do different jobs, that’s why I love them.

If I could live in a different time I would live in the time that my parents were my age. I would want to live in that time because I want to see how people lived back then.  How they struggled or how the cellphones looked like. I also want to live there to see what mom my means by “when we were kids it was so much different”.

I would also go back in time and invent something like the IPhone, I would make millions. I would teach people there different things like how to cook different recipes, different languages, MATH! Before I do all that though I would experience how it was like to live back then, what they ate, their chores and what the style was.

I think it would be so cool to be able to live in any time you wanted. After we saw how they lived back then, we wouldn’t complain about our lives now. I heard that they didn’t even have I Pads, scary!

I had an amazing weekend! I went to the chilly Whistler Mountain. I stayed for 3 days with my parents, family friends, relatives and my two best friends.

I woke up on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. I had forgotten that we were going to whistler so I wondered why the alarm clock had gone off. My mom came into my room and told me to get ready. I asked her “for what?” she told me “for Whistler!”. I instantly remembered and got ready as fast as I could, went downstairs with my big bulky bag knocking everything over as I walked. When I got downstairs I thought that everybody would be waiting for, turns out I would be waiting for everybody else. When my family FINALLY came downstairs, we got all our bags in the car and started driving to whistler.

When we got to whistler my parents surprised me by telling me I wouldn’t have to sleep on the sofa but I would get my own bed inside my own ROOM! I was jumping for joy. Once we got settled in we all agreed to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory. We walked through the village with our giant feather filled coats. Of course it had to be raining so we went as fast as we could.  We arrived at a dark damp staircase. We went down and found the Old Spaghetti Factory staring right at us. We sat down, ordered our meals and relaxed. Our food came almost instantly; I slurped down my seafood pasta along with the little shrimps. When everybody was done we headed back to the hotel. My friend and I went down to the outdoor pool. Wait! You must be thinking WHAT?! It’s freezing why would you swim outside on a mountain?! Well the pool is warmed up and there are 4 hot tubs around it, steam was even coming out of the pool because it was so hot. We swam, we did laps, and we had a water battle. After a couple hours we plopped ourselves into the hot tub and let the water swirl around our arms and legs, it was so relaxing. We ran back inside, dried ourselves and went upstairs.

 I got into the room and knocked on my parent’s room, nobody was there. I sighed, went in my room and showered. I got my PJ’s on and headed to my friends room; turns out their parents went out with my parents. We hung out, took pictures, made 3 cups of hot chocolate and watched some T.V. After their parents got back I ran back to my room, jumped in bed and called it a day. In the end I had SO much fun!