If I could live in a different time I would live in the time that my parents were my age. I would want to live in that time because I want to see how people lived back then.  How they struggled or how the cellphones looked like. I also want to live there to see what mom my means by “when we were kids it was so much different”.

I would also go back in time and invent something like the IPhone, I would make millions. I would teach people there different things like how to cook different recipes, different languages, MATH! Before I do all that though I would experience how it was like to live back then, what they ate, their chores and what the style was.

I think it would be so cool to be able to live in any time you wanted. After we saw how they lived back then, we wouldn’t complain about our lives now. I heard that they didn’t even have I Pads, scary!

11/13/2012 07:08:29 am

I really liked your blog post Tweety Bird. I thought it had a lot of humor with jokes on what parents had "back in the day". Something to work on is your opening sentence. I thought it was good but it could have been better by making it really exciting and or leave parts out so the reader reads on to find out. But overall it was very awesome. Good job and keep it up!

11/14/2012 11:00:41 am

Thanks for the feedback slapshot! Just to clarify because I wasn't really sure, I should keep it a surprise to i'm talking about the different time I want to live in ?


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