To This Day

Today we watched a video made by poet Shane Koyczan. It had a huge message about bullying; I was greatly moved by it, as I’m sure many other people were too. During the video I had a few connections and thoughts.

The whole video really moved me but some parts in particular really got to me. For example, the caterpillar turning into a butterfly, with the words saying “If you can’t find anything beautiful in yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer.” This being that no matter what, there is always something beautiful in Every. Single. One. Of. Us. and it isn’t always our appearance. I also thought about the butterfly as being a human, one that has outgrown everything that has happened and found the beauty within them.

Another part of the video that I really enjoyed was when it came to the part “They have to be wrong, why else would we still be here”. I thought that this quote was amazing. Anyone being bullied should know this, why would you still be here if they said you were nothing.

One connection I had to this was this year one of my friends was being bullied and she told someone. After she told everything changed, the person stopped bullying her and other people. Even though sometimes I know there is always the occasional name calling it got better.

Another connection I had was the fact that I have also said something hurtful to someone sometime in my life, I know that. I think that everyone can admit we have all done something that has hurt another person (emotionally or physically) One thing I remember doing was this game called “ The Cheese Touch” or as we called it “The (persons name) Touch”. I think almost everyone participated in this game, and I still feel bad for being part of it, and for not apologizing to the person.

One thing I realized is that inside the class people connect to all these things and say “I’m going to be nicer and not be mean to other people”, then when they go outside all of what they said is left behind and they repeat what they were doing before, bullying other people.

A way we can prevent bullying is probably, if you are being bullied to tell someone. A lot of people think that by telling they become a tattle tail and the person that is bullying them will hurt them even more, but by not telling they are only hurting themselves. Another way we can prevent bullying is if you see someone calling someone else names you should tell them to stop even though this might not always be an easy thing. Plus if you see any physical fights when your outside and it’s between people in your school then you should go get an adult to stop it.

I think the reason people bully other people is because they are going through something in their life (family, school etc.) and they are hurting but they want to see someone going through worse pain and that’s why they bully. They also might bully for other reasons, for example they might not be having an easy time making friends.

I really enjoyed the video it sent a really great message and I think it made many people really think about what is happening in school and other places. I wonder if we are ever going to get to a conclusion with this issue, and if we were to, how would we?

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