10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy  New Year!  This is what me and my friends were doing at 11:59 on December 31st while the rest of my family were at home partying.

We had been planning this big New Year party for a couple of weeks. Who would be coming, what food we would be eating, and decorations. The day before me and my dad helped my mom clean the whole house, we cleaned everything down to the last flower pot. The next day my parents went out early to get some finger foods, because thats what we decided we were going to eat at the party. After they came back we created cute little snack which involved crackers, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese. My mom got some shrimps and cocktail sauce, and I got Clamato juice!

Finally after we finished all the food we did decorations, before they came back my mom and dad picked up some New Year decor, banners, signs, swirly things that come down from the ceiling and more. My dad brought out a tiny ladder and we put them up all over the house.

At about 7:20 I went upstairs and got ready because our guests would be arriving at 8 o’clock. I came downstairs and heard a loud DING DONG! I ran to the door and it was my cousin. They came in and sat and throughout the next 30 minutes more and more people came. Throughout this whole time I was looking for my  two friends, their mom was here and so was their little sister but they weren’t. When everybody finished eating my friends mom told me that that they were both at home and one of them was sick. I felt bad that they were spending New Years by themselves so I grabbed a plate of food and headed two houses down! My friends were pretty surprised, but they were happy.

We spent maybe half an hour trying pick which movie we were going to watch, we finally came to Titanic. We got snacks, and drinks then started watching. We reached half way through the movie then we decided to make hot chocolate. I checked my IPod when we were in the kitchen and realised it was 11.59 p.m Me and my friend didn’t know which part of the minute it was so we counted 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 over and over again until it finally came to 12:00 a.m. We went back and finished the movie, then I had to leave. We said our goodbyes and then I left

Even though I didn’t get to spend my time at home during the party, I got to spend New Years eve with two really important people in my life and I would take that over a party any day.

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